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Frequently Asked Questions

  • When is trash pickup?
    Pickup is Tuesday morning, if Monday of the pickup week is a holiday then trash is picked up on Wednesday. If you need a garbage tote at your address, please call Republic Services at 1 877-698-7274. If you have more garbage than the tote can hold you must have a bulk refuse garbage sticker on each item. Stickers can be purchased at City Treasurer’s Office.
  • Does our community have recycling services?
    The CIty of Muskegon Heights does not have a recycling service, however, there are recycling options in Muskegon County. Click herefor Muskegon County recycling options. Please call sites listed in the guide before traveling as some of the sites are now closed.
  • Can I burn leaves and yard waste?
    Open burning of leaves and waste is not permitted. Call the Fire Department at 231-733-8890 if you see someone burning leaves or household waste
  • Where do I report junk vehicle(s) in public view?
    Contact the Muskegon Heights Police Department 231-733-8900
  • Are there any yard upkeep requirements?
    Maximum overall lawn height is 8 inches. Items such as building materials, car parts, appliances, dismantled machinery may not be openly stored in yards. Recreation equipment, including furniture and toys, shall not be placed or located in any front yard for a period longer than 24 consecutive hours. Household furniture that has been designed for interior use shall not be placed in front yards for a period exceeding 12 consecutive hours. For more detail refer to the Citizens Handbook and City Ordinances.
  • Is there a city noise ordinance?
    The city has a noise ordinance enforced by the Police Department. The ordinance addresses excessive noise any time of the day. Established quiet hours are from 11:00 pm to 7:00 am. Call 911to report a problem when the violation is occurring.
  • Where do I report potholes?
    Contact Muskegon Heights Department of Public Works, 231-332.6762
  • Where do I report criminal activity?
    For emergencies call 911, non emergencies call 231-733-8900. You may also call Silent Observer. - Silent Observer has been around since 1972 and has a proven track record in keeping those with crime-solving information anonymous. They do not use Caller ID. Text MKGTIP and your message to 274637 (CRIMES on most cell phones) - CALL 231-72-CRIME - Copy and paste link to your web broswer:
  • When is the Woodcliffe Neighborhood Yard Sale ?
    The neighborhood yard sale is normally scheduled each summer. City approval is needed and there is a small fee for participants. As soon as the next date is decided, it will be shared via email and on our webiste. If you decide to have your own yard sales the following applies: " No permit shall be issued authorizing any such sale to be conducted for a period longer than two days, and no person shall be issued more than six permits within any calendar year."
  • Where do I report a street light that is out?
    To report a street light outage, contact Consumers Energy at 800-477-5050
  • What's Muskegon Heights street pavement plan?
    Streets will be addressed in the order of priority of condition. The millage only provides enough funds to do approximately 2 blocks per year. Delano St. from Sandford to Leahy St. will be paved in 2021 ($700K project)
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